Sunday, March 6, 2011

C4T # 2 Summary

My blog assigment, Classroom Chronicle, is written by Ms. Henrietta Miller, a fifth grade teacher in Sydney.
The first post that I read of hers was on the generosity of educators and can be found here. My response to this post was:

"Hello, I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I was assigned your blog to read for my edm310 class with Dr. Strange. I completely agree with you about the generous nature of teachers. Looking back over my time in school I can think of countless teachers that went above and beyond for their classmates and their co-workers. They were truly an inspiration to see. I also agree about all of the resources that can be shared through social networking and other internet tools. Those who are “too busy” to use these mediums should really look into it."

The next post I read was entitled persistence and can be seen here.
My response to the post was:

"Thank you for this post! I hope that the child you were talking about on the monkey bars and other students like her will keep that persistence and not become discouraged! I also hope that you will persist in your efforts to make the “square pegs” fit into the “round hole” that is school. You’re right, it’s difficult to find ways to do this for some students."

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