Sunday, April 24, 2011

C4K Summary Post

For the latest Comments for Kids, we were first assigned to comment on a particular post on the blog of Mr. McClung, an eighth grade teacher in Arkansas. I was assigned the Missouri Compromise post, which included a video made by some of his students to explain the Missouri Compromise. I commented that the video was a great idea, getting the students involved and making sure they really learned the material in a fun and creative way.

For another Comments for Kids, we were assigned Mrs. Yollis's Class blog to check out thoroughly and comment on, as well as a specific student's blog. I was really impressed with Mrs. Yollis' class blog! She obviously puts a lot of effort into it, making it both easy to use and very informative. Not only does she encourage her students to get involved in it - she also encourages her students' families and friends to check out the blog to see what their student is up to in class. I think that this is a really cool idea, because it gets the family involved in what their child is doing. Not only do they get to post their work online, they get to see that their moms and dads, grandparents, brothers or sisters are also looking at what they are doing and commenting on it! This is the first blog I think that I have seen this semester where the teacher really stressed the family's involvement in the blog - she even has a month set aside for it!

My student was a boy named Jaden, who earned his own blog, called Jaden's Awesome Blog, because he left useful comments on other blog posts. The post that I commented on was one that Jaden shared about attending a Los Angeles Clippers basketball game. He wrote in the post the specific stats of the game and then posted later, in a comment to our very own Anthony, that he wanted to be an NBA player someday. In summary,  I wrote to him that I really thought his blog was very good and creative. I also said that I appreciated him giving the details of the game and that I had always liked watching sports, though I've never been any good at them. I encouraged him about becoming a NBA player and told him to keep up the great work on his blog as well.

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